Snoot Brut
Snoot Brut is a platform for writing, art criticism, and creative work from artists engaging with art on-chain and beyond.
Snoot Brut was founded in 2024 as a small group chat — a space to understand art on-chain, how it works, and where it might go. But knowledge means more when it's shared. Our goal is to build a platform for those asking the same questions, for those who want to go deeper rather than settle for surface-level narratives.
We write, curate, and stay in conversation with artists and creative thinkers through weekly Spaces on X and discussions in our Discord. Our monthly bulletins document and reflect on the state of the scene — not just as a way in for those new to art on-chain, but as a time capsule of where we are and where we're headed.
Sign up for our mailing list to get the latest bulletins and updates. Snoot!